News Article

US University orders Riber MBE research system

Ohio State University will use system for research on infrared imaging sensors and other advanced semiconductors devices

Semiconductor equipment firm Riber has announced the order of a research MBE system, model Compact 21DZ, from Ohio State University, Ohio, USA.

This system will use antimony based complex components which are the new compounds choice for this technology.

The Compact 21DZ system is a part of the new generation of the Compact21 series which has recorded a strong commercial development since its creation. With more than 125 systems installed worldwide, this Compact 21 active fleet lays a solid foundation for the development of services and components activities.

This new commercial success in USA is set forth to the increased scale up of Riber Inc subsidiary following the integration of MBE Control in 2015. This order will be delivered in 2017.

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