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GaN Systems to showcase wireless power At APEC

Demonstrations include 150W transmitter wirelessly powering an airborne drone in real-time

At the upcoming 2017 Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2017), in Tampa, Florida, GaN Systems will conduct live demonstrations of commercial systems that use GaN transistors in wireless power transfer and power module applications.

The company will also showcase customer-built, commercial systems that use GaN transistors to power a diverse range of applications, including DC/DC converters, energy storage systems, EV traction inverters, and more.

Among the new systems enabled by GaN transistors that will be demonstrated will be:

A 150W transmitter wirelessly powering an airborne drone in real-time, operating at 13.56 MHz; a 5 to 10 kW half-bridge power block. Eight paralleled GaN transistors and a matching driver card, forming a complete building block for high power systems; a detailed head-to-head comparison that shows how GaN outperforms SiC; an AirFuel-compliant wireless transmitting platform capable of charging multiple phones, pads, and laptops, scalable and adaptable for use in toolboxes, factory robots and more; and an ultra-small, highly integrated 1 MHz LED driver, constructed using a GaN-enabled architecture.

In addition to these demonstrations, visitors will see newly commercialised GaN transistor-powered systems, including: a 10 kW, 3-phase solar inverter over 100 times smaller than silicon-based designs; a 99 percent efficient, 3 kW PFC reference design; and a range of demonstration boards from the company's semiconductor partners.

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