News Article

BeRex introduces low loss GaAs mixers


High linearity, low conversion loss mixers target GSM/WCDMA/LTE applications

Seoul-based RF and microwave company BeRex has launched the BM831 and BM851 high dynamic range mixers with a passive GaAs FET converter and two stage LO driver.

The BM831 and BM851 are said to offer high linearity, low conversion loss and an IF frequency range that makes them suitable for GSM/WCDMA/LTE based applications.

The BM831 mixer has a dynamic frequency range of 0.7GHz to 1.4GHz with an IP3 of 31.7dBm and a low typical conversion loss of 8.8dB; while the BM851 has a dynamic frequency range of 1.7GHz to 2.7GHz with an IP3 of 33.9dBm and a low typical conversion loss of 8.3dB.

The BM831 and BM851 are pin-to-pin compatible, available in a lead-free, RoHS compliant, surface mount MSOP8 packages, and require a single 3.3V to 5V power supply.

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