News Article

Kaiam Announces Volume Shipments of 100G CWDM4


Optimised transceiver architecture improves cost, performance, and manufacturability

Kaiam, a maker of datacentre products, has announced general availability of the XQX5000-series of QSFP28 100G-CWDM4 transceivers based on its LightScale2 platform. The product is qualified at multiple customers and volume production out of Kaiam's Livingston, UK facility is meeting high demand.

The LightScale2 architecture is said to reduce the cost of parts and manufacturing while improving electrical and thermal performance by eliminating hermetic "gold boxes" and flex circuits.

"The LightScale2 production ramp has gone very smoothly," said Russell Childs, GM of Kaiam Europe Ltd. "Our UK factory has manufactured traditional hermetic TOSAs and ROSAs in high volumes for years. The LightScale2 platform is far simpler to manufacture in terms of assembly steps, capital equipment, and labour. This has allowed us to ramp to high volumes with high yields much more quickly than was possible with more complex legacy products."

Kaiam CEO Bardia Pezeshki added, "Our micromechanical alignment technology allows multimode packaging techniques to be used in a single mode application. The Lightscale2 platform is optimised to deliver maximum value and performance in the datacentre environment at dramatically lower costs than traditionally aligned hybrid approaches."

Kaiam Corporation raised substantial expansion capital to support the build-out of LightScale2 manufacturing capacity by selling its Newton Aycliffe fabrication facility to II-VI. Kaiam will continue the development of InP photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for future transceiver products through foundry services and partnerships.

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