News Article

CST publishes findings of CoolBlue project


Single wavelength, blue laser diode offers increased power, lower complexity and smaller size

Thomas Slight, Research Engineer at CST Global, has successfully published his research paper covering next-generation, GaN, DFB laser diodes in the Applied Physics Express (APEX) letters journal. APEX reports on new findings in applied physics and is affiliated with the Institute of Physics (IoP).

Slight’s paper, ‘Continuous-wave operation of (Al,In)GaN distributed-feedback laser diodes with high-order notched gratings’, summarises the findings of the government-funded, “Quantum Cooling using Mode Controlled Blue Lasers” project, known as CoolBlue.

The paper reports on the continuous-wave, room-temperature operation of distributed feedback laser diodes (DFB-LD) with high-order notched gratings. It covers the design, fabrication and characterisation of the DFB devices, which are based on the (Al,In)GaN material system.

Slight explains: “The single wavelength, blue laser diode source, developed in the project, offered increased power, lower complexity and smaller size over conventional laser sources. The paper shows it is possible to transform quantum sensors from laboratory instruments into miniaturised, robust systems, for a far wider range of commercial applications. In practice, these are associated with ultra-cold, atom-based, quantum sensing systems, such as atomic clocks.”

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