Power Integrations Expands InnoSwitch3 ICs

PowiGaN technology permits manufacture of 94 percent efficient power supplies suitable for regions with frequent brown-outs and line surges
Power Integrations has announced an expansion of its InnoSwitch3 families of offline CV/CC flyback switcher ICs. The new INN3x78C devices incorporate a smaller 'size 8' 750V PowiGaN transistor, enabling compact, efficient power supplies delivering between 27W and 55W without heatsinks. The ICs are housed in the same high-creepage, safety-compliant InSOP-24D package as larger members of the GaN-based InnoSwitch3 families, which target up to 120W.
Known for highl efficiency – up to 94 percent efficient across line and load, PowiGaN technology is also robust, making them highly resistant against line surges and swells commonly seen in regions with unstable mains voltage. This enables OEMs to specify a single power supply design to be used worldwide. Applications for the new parts include USB PD and high-current chargers/adapters for mobile devices, as well as set-top boxes, displays, networking and gaming products and appliances – especially those aiming to comply with the planned European Energy Labeling Regulation.
Comments Chris Lee, director of product marketing at Power Integrations: “We have experienced increased demand for our efficient AC-DC converter ICs with the highly robust 750 V GaN transistor. Simultaneous electrical strength and efficiency are difficult to achieve due to the relationship between Silicon MOSFET breakdown voltage and COSS-related switching loss. Our electrically strong PowiGaN transistors have very low COSS, so achieving over 94 percent efficiency and low field return rate from tropical markets is very straightforward.”