News Article

European Vision for 6G Network Ecosystem


5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) publishes white paper about next chapter in the mobile communications story

The 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) has published the white paper ‘European Vision for the 6G Network Ecosystem’ edited by the Vision and Societal Challenges Work Group.

The paper is a milestone at a time when the 5G IA is preparing for the next chapter in the mobile communications story with the new ‘Smart Networks and Services’ (SNS) European Partnership in the framework of the Horizon Europe programme.

The SNS Partnership will contribute to enable the digital and green transitions and will allow European players to develop the technology capacities for 6G systems as the basis for future digital services. Within the SNS, the 5G IA will be the private side representative, jointly managing the Partnership with the EU.

In the coming decade, 6G will bring a new era in which billions of things, humans, connected vehicles, robots and drones will generate zettabytes of digital information. 6G will enable unprecedented connectivity modes and properties that can effectively match the needs of a growing and broader range of demanding applications.

The white paper explains how 6G is expected to play a key role in the evolution of the society towards the 2030’s, as the convergence between the digital, physical and personal worlds will increasingly become a reality. Furthermore, 6G will support the European Green Deal's objective of reaching climate neutrality for Europe by 2050. This and other objectives of 6G will also greatly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Key features of 6G will include intelligent connected management and control functions, programmability, integrated sensing and communication, reduction of energy footprint, trustworthy infrastructure, scalability and affordability. The development of Europe-based 6G infrastructures, solutions and services will be of key importance to secure European strategic autonomy in critical technologies and systems.

The white paper also presents possible opportunities and obstacles related to 6G as well as a series of recommendations for both policy makers and businesses.

Colin Willcock, chairman of the board of the 5G IA, said: “At this critical time, as research beyond 5G is starting around the world, this White Paper is an important document on the road to 6G. This document encapsulates the European view on what 6G should be and indicates the direction of how we can get there”

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