News Article

Infineon teams with Infinitum on lightweight motor


Infineon to provide CoolSiC MOSFETs and other semiconductors in new technology collaboration

Infineon Technologies AG is joining forces with Infinitum, creator of the air core motor. In this technology collaboration, Infineon will provide SiC CoolSiC MOSFETs and other key semiconductor components.

The Infinitum Aircore EC motor uses a patented air-core motor design, which replaces heavy iron used in traditional motors with a lightweight, printed circuit board (PCB). The company’s motors are 50 percent smaller and lighter, ten percent more efficient and use 66 percent less copper than traditional motors.

“Infineon is a leading provider of SiC chips and embedded technologies that can greatly contribute to Infinitum motor system’s value-added features from an energy, carbon footprint and performance standpoint,” said Rick Tewell, president of Infinitum.

Michael Williams, director of product marketing, Industrial Power Control Division, Infineon Technologies said: “We are excited to team with Infinitum, a company that delivers award-winning motor control systems with hardware motor design that has been taken to a whole new level. With our proven SiC and semiconductor technologies, we are helping Infinitum deliver more precise motor control for better power and energy savings.”

Infineon will be showing the Aircore EC motor along with its portfolio of silicon and wide bandgap materials at APEC 2023 in Orlando, Florida, 19 to 23 March.

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