News Article

Evans gains X-ray capability through acquisition

Evans Analytical widens its range of characterization services with the acquisition of X-ray specialist AMIA Labs.

Californian materials characterization supplier Evans Analytical Group (EAG) has acquired AMIA Labs, a provider of x-ray services such as x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, and x-ray reflectometry.

The deal will provide EAG with techniques for determining the texture, stress, composition and thickness of thin films, and measuring diffraction on patterned wafers.

AMIA's staff and operations will be integrated into EAG's Round Rock facility, which is located near Austin, TX.

"AMIA's X-ray techniques complement EAG's analytical methods by providing information on the crystallographic phase, orientation and crystallite size of polycrystalline materials and epitaxial films," said EAG chief scientist Richard Hockett.

"Characterization of strained thin films such as SiGe, carbon-doped silicon, and AlGaN is a significant industry issue and EAG is well equipped to meet this need through the acquired x-ray services," added Hockett.

AMIA is EAG's third acquisition this year, following the gains of SIMS specialist Applied Microanalysis Labs (see related story) and Thin Film Analysis.

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