News Article

Huawei Awards Oclaro Again For Being an Excellent Partner

The firm has won the “Excellent Core Partner Award” award for the second year running.

Oclaro, a tier-one provider of innovative optical communications and laser solutions, has received the “Excellent Core Partner Award” from Huawei, one of the world's largest manufacturers of optical networking equipment for the telecommunications industry.

"Huawei is an important customer to Oclaro," said Alain Couder, President and CEO.  "We want to thank Huawei for this prestigious award, which validates Oclaro's unwavering commitment to serve its customers."

Huawei has selected Oclaro for the Excellent Core Partner Award for two consecutive years, reflecting Oclaro's consistent delivery of high performance, highly reliable products and exceptional customer service. It also reinforces Oclaro's position as a tier-one strategic supplier to Huawei.

The award was received by Jim Haynes, Oclaro Chief Operations Officer, at the Huawei 2010 Core Partner Convention.

Oclaro provides optical communications and laser components, modules and subsystems for a broad range of diverse markets, including telecommunications, industrial, scientific, consumer electronics, and medical. Oclaro is a global leader, dedicated to photonics innovation with cutting-edge research and development (R&D) and chip fabrication facilities in the U.K., Switzerland and Italy, and in-house and contract manufacturing sites in the U.S., Thailand and China.
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