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SDK to strengthen capacity in East Asia for high purity ammonia

The company is expanding total capacity by 5,000 tonnes per year in Japan, Taiwan and China to cope with demand for ammonia gas, which is used in many electronic applications including gallium nitride LEDs.

Showa Denko K.K. (SDK) will increase its production capacity for high-purity ammonia to meet growing demand from the electronics industry. Specifically, production capacities at three sites - Japan, Taiwan, and China - will be increased from the current levels of 1,000 t/y, 1,500 t/y and 500 t/y; to 1,500 t/y, 2,500 t/y and 1,000 t/y, respectively, by the end of 2011. The capacity increase will be carried out through expansions of filling/storage facilities and improvement in production efficiency. As a result, the Showa Denko Group's total high-purity ammonia production capacity will increase from 3,000 t/y at present, to 5,000 t/y. High-purity ammonia is used as a material gas in the production of GaN LEDs and other compound semiconductors. Anticipating further growth in the electronics market in East Asian countries and to ensure stable supply of high-purity ammonia, SDK has decided to increase production capacities at its sites in Japan, Taiwan and China. Under its medium-term consolidated business plan PEGASUS, SDK classifies its business in high-purity ammonia and other high-purity gases (for semiconductor/display production) under the category of "growth" business. SDK will continue to encourage the growth of this business by increasing competitiveness of existing products and developing new products. Showa Denko Group's high-purity ammonia production sites: are in 1. Japan: Kawasaki Plant, SDK (Kawasaki City) 2. Taiwan: Taiwan Showa Chemicals Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Tainan City; owned 90% jointly by SDK and its subsidiary) 3. China: Zhejiang Quzhou Juhua Showa Electronic Chemical Materials Co., Ltd. (Quzhou, Zhejiang Province; owned 51% by SDK)

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