News Article

SETi takes lifetime of 280nm UV LEDs to another level

The firm has achieved more than 10,000 hours lifetime on its aluminium gallium nitride UVTOP ultraviolet LEDs.

Under its continuous improvement program, Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. (SETi) has demonstrated lifetimes of over 10,000 hours on its UVTOP275 LEDs. 


Figure: SETi’s UVTOP LEDs

The lifetime demonstration has been performed on a statistically valid group of LEDs from several batches which are representative of UVTOP275 products; the LEDs were packaged in TO-39 metal-glass packages with flat windows and emit at a wavelength of 280nm ±5nm at an average power of 0.8mW after burn-in.

Lifetime analysis was performed to SETi standard procedure; driven with a current of 20mA DC at room temperature (approximately 23⁰C ambient) with no heatsink or thermal management.  The LEDs were physically life tested to approximately 2,000 hours and L50 levels (50% of the LED’s original power) modelled from these tests. 

In the past, short wavelength UVLEDs have exhibited lifetimes of just a few hundred hours, but over the past several years, SETi has been steadily increasing this performance and having now achieved  over 10,000 hours, the firm believes it  has reached a milestone.

This demonstration represents a massive leap in operational performance for SETi and far exceeds lifetime for other conventional UV light sources.  Based in Columbia, SC, SETi manufacture LEDs from 240nm through 360nm, all manufactured in compliance withISO9001 certification and is currently one of the leading commercial manufacturers of UV LEDs shorter than 365nm.

While this lifetime has not been released in the UVTOP product specifications, SETi does expect its UVTOP275 LEDs to exhibit L50 lifetimes approaching 5,000 hours and is developing future products to meet extended lifetime specs.



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