News Article

European Commission recognises Imec with HR award

Belgian nanoelectronics centre offers great working conditions for researchers
The European Commission has awarded the Belgian nanoelectronics research centre Imec, with the HR excellence in Research label in recognition of imec's human resource policy to create the best possible employment and working conditions for researchers.

The European Union’s European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers aims to create a positive attitude towards the profession, encouraging young people to become researchers and to continue their research career in Europe. European research institutions that implement the code of conduct to stimulate and create a favourable working environment for researchers, can apply for the HR Excellence in Research label.

Imec's research covers multidisicplinary fields ranging from semiconductor chips and systems, electronics for life sciences, body area networks, energy, photovoltaics, sustainable wireless communication, image sensors and vision systems, and flexible electronics and displays. Imec’s staff of over 2,080 people includes almost 800 researcher profiles, and more than 670 industrial residents and guest researchers.

During the past year, imec has made an in depth assessment of its HRM strategy and produced a comprehensive and clear action plan to further improve the quality of its talent and career practices towards researchers. 

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