News Article

Meller Optics introduces custom Sapphire wafer Carriers

Carriers more durable than quartz and impervious to polishing abrasives and solvents

Meller Optics, of Rhode Island, USA, has introduced custom fabricated sapphire wafer carriers for thinning semiconductors. The carriers are more durable than quartz and are impervious to polishing abrasives and solvents, says the company.

Meller sapphire wafer carriers feature Moh 9 hardness and superior strength due to off-axis crystal growth; permitting their custom fabrication as thin as 0.018in in 2 to 6in diameter sizes. Suited for the uniform thinning of semiconductor materials such as GaAs, they can be custom perforated for vacuum hold-down or de-lamination and can withstand repeated use.

The carriers provide part-to-part uniformity with ± 1.2µm thickness and parallelism to 10 arc-sec, depending upon size. Second only to diamond in terms of hardness, they are chip-, chemical-, and scratch-resistant and can be supplied with reference flats and laser markings.

Meller Sapphire Wafer Carriers are priced according to size, configuration, and quantity; with four to six weeks typical delivery. 

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