News Article

Hanergy to establish GaAs Solar cell factory in China

10MW facility is first project since acquisition of Alta's thin film GaAs technology

Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd has signed an investment cooperation agreement with Huangpi District Government of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China to invest in a 10MW GaAs thin-film solar cell R&D and manufacturing facility in Huangpi Linkong Industrial Park.

The project is the first GaAs thin-film solar cell R&D and manufacturing project constructed by Hanergy Thin Film in the Chinese mainland after it acquired US thin-film solar technology company Alta Devices on January 27, 2015.

On completion, the facility will be the world's largest GaAs production base, according to the company. The first phase of the project will include a 3MW production line, for which Hanergy Thin Film will establish a project company.

Besides constructing factory buildings for lease by the project company, the Huangpi District Government will promote Hanergy Thin Film's solar products in the local market, with plans to install 100,000 sets of household thin-film arrays and 1,333 hectares of photovoltaic agricultural greenhouses, or to reach 600MW of installed solar capacity within two years after the agreement takes effect.


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