News Article

IQE to present three papers on advanced infrared technology

Focus on GaSb for SPIE conference in Baltimore

IQE will present three papers on recent developments in advanced infrared (IR) technology this week at the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Technologies conference (DSS) in Baltimore, USA.

The papers are: MBE growth of Sb-based bulk nBn infrared photodetector structures on ≥6in  GaSb substrates;  Growth and characterisation of ≥6in epitaxy-ready GaSb substrates for use in large-area infrared detector applications; and a study of doping influences on transmission of large-diameter GaSb substrates for long-wave (LWIR) to very long wavelength (VLWIR) infrared applications

SPIE DSS runs from 21 to 23 April at the Convention Centre in Baltimore and is expected to attract around 6,000 visitors.

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