News Article

New GaAs MMICs Unveiled by Custom MMIC at IMS 2015

Company to show latest amplifiers, switches, and multipliers 

Custom MMIC will be showing several new GaAs and GaN MMIC amplifiers, switches, and multipliers at the 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in Phoenix, Arizona, being held from May 19 through May 21. 

Latest products include two GaAs LNAs, the CMD228P4 and CMD229P4, and a GaAs passive doubler, the CMD225.

The CMD228P4 is a broadband MMIC low noise amplifier that operates from 2 to 6GHz, delivers 30dB of gain and achieves a noise figure of 1.3dB. The CMD229P4 is also a broadband low noise amplifier that operates from 5 to 11GHz, delivers 2dB of gain, and achieves a noise figure of 1.2dB. Both LNAs are housed in a leadless, plastic 4 x 4 mm surface-mount package.

The CMD225 is a passive doubler in die form that operates from 4 to 8GHz, has 12dB conversion loss, and achieves fundamental and 3rd harmonic rejections of greater than 38dB and 50dB, respectively.

 Applications for these components include military, space, test instrumentation and other high performance communications.

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