News Article

Pasternack rolls out 26.5 to 110GHz waveguide detectors

Zero biased detectors use GaAs Schottky barrier beam lead diodes

Pasternack, a US manufacturer and supplier of RF, microwave and millimetre wave products, has released a brand new collection of high performance zero biased waveguide detectors that exhibit optimum performance in Ka, Q, U, V, E and W frequency bands.

These waveguide detectors are widely deployed in various aerospace, defence and commercial wireless applications used in instrumentation, power detection, power monitoring, direct detection receivers, high frequency communications, radar, SATCOM, point-to-point radio, telecom, data links and R&D.

 Pasternack's latest release of waveguide detectors consists of six models covering a frequency range of 26.5GHz to 110GHz. The input ports use popular waveguide sizes ranging from WR-28 to WR-10, while the video output ports use SMA female connectors.

The detector circuits use high performance GaAs Schottky Barrier Beam lead diodes with low junction capacitance. These designs perform with minimal sensitivity variation, says the company, resulting in a flat frequency response across the entire waveguide band.

"This selection of waveguide detectors utilise high performance GaAs Schottky Barrier Beam lead diodes that exhibit high sensitivity performance in Ka, Q, U, V, E and W bands without external DC bias or mechanical tuning," explains Tim Galla, active components product manager at Pasternack. "Designers will find them particularly useful for applications which involve instrumentation, power detection, power monitoring and direct detection receiver applications."

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