News Article

Chinese Packaged LED market to Grow at Single Digit Rate

Oversupply and price competition between suppliers of lighting LEDs is hampering growth

Due to oversupply and price competition between suppliers of lighting LEDs, IHS forecasts the total Chinese market for packaged LEDs to grow at single digit annual rate. 

The total Chinese market for packaged LEDs was $6.7 billion in 2014, with $3.8 billion for the lighting application, according to the latest data in the Packaged LEDs Report - China - 2015, produced by the IHS LED Intelligence Service.

Since too many suppliers produce almost the same LEDs for lighting, for example 2835, prices declined significantly in 2015. In order to ensure revenue growth,  companies adopting a variety of strategies. Larger companies are looking to grow through capacity expansion and acquisition. For example, Hongli acquired Smalite, and Refond acquired Lingtao. Smaller companies are finding it difficult to survive without further investment or unique technical advantage.

Nichia had the highest revenues in 2014 in China, followed by MLS and Everlight. Besides MLS, other local suppliers started to play an important role and are growing quickly, such as Nationstar, according to IHS.

Looking at China-headquartered companies' revenue, MLS was number one in 2014, followed by Nationstar and Jufei. MLS also had the highest revenues in lighting, signage and 'other' sectors; Jufei led in the backlighting and mobile sector. Eight Chinese companies had packaged LED revenues of over $100 million in 2014.

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