News Article

II-VI Ramps Volume Production of Low Noise Optical Amplifiers

Integrated tunable filters for 400 Gb/s DWDM transponders proved popular on 2015 release

II"VI Incorporated, a provider of solutions for next generation optical networks, has announced that it is increasing shipments of low noise optical amplifiers with integrated tunable filters for 400 Gb/s DWDM transponders.

High bit rate DWDM transponders enable interconnectivity among geographically dispersed datacentres. II-VI's low noise optical amplifiers improve the reach of 400 Gb/s DWDM transponders by boosting the optical power of the transmitted signal with high fidelity thanks to an integrated wavelength-tunable optical noise filter.   

"Our optical amplifier technology platform with integrated tunable filter announced in early 2015, generated strong market demand," said Dr. Sanjai Parthasarathi, Vice President, Product Marketing and Strategy, Optical Communications Group.  "We are now ramping up production of our low noise optical amplifier module designed for 400 Gb/s DWDM transponder line cards."

Higher transmission rates increase the difficulty of distinguishing optical signal from noise at the receiver. Tunable optical filters improve 400 Gb/s transmission by filtering out amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), the most significant contributor of optical noise.

II-VI designs and manufactures in house a complete portfolio of miniature hybrid micro-optics, tunable optical components and 980 nm pump lasers to achieve vertically integrated optical amplifier solutions. Low noise optical amplifiers are Telcordia qualified at the individual component level and as a module. They are commercially available as a full assembly or in various sub-assembly configurations.    

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