News Article

Mitsubishi to Launch 100Gbps laser diode transmitter

Will support long-haul transmissions and downsizing of 100Gbps communication equipment

Mitsubishi Electric has announced that it will begin shipping a laser diode-transmitter optical subassembly (TOSA) capable of supporting 100Gbps optical transmissions on July 1. 

The new TOSA, which features four electro-absorption modulators with laser diode (EML) integrated with an optical multiplexer, is said to offer one of most compact EML-TOSA solutions available for IEEE 100GBASE-ER4 applications.

The device will be displayed at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition 2016 (OFC) in Anaheim, California from March 20 to 24.

In response to the growing need to install communication equipment in increasingly confined spaces, the new laser-diode TOSA offers 40km transmission capability in one of the industry's smallest footprints, a combination that is expected to help downsize 100Gbps communication facilities and expand high-speed 100Gbps optical transmission networks, according to the company. 

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