News Article

Soraa LED Lighting illuminates Pitt Rivers Museum

Oxford museum expects to save £45k over the next five years and cut annual carbon emissions

GaN-on-GaN LED firm Soraa has announced that its LED lamps have been installed at the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England. The museum chose Soraa's LED lamps to save energy and money and to illuminate its rare collections of anthropology and archaeology artifacts.

Active in its commitment to reducing carbon emissions, the University of Oxford's electrical team selected the Pitt Rivers Museum as a prime space for an energy efficient lighting upgrade.

The University installed 500 Soraa VIVID MR16 LED lamps that are estimated to save the museum £45,000 over the next five years and will reduce its carbon emissions by 44 tonnes each year.

Not only does the new LED lighting make the museum more energy efficient and the displays easier to see, they also emit no harmful ultra-violet light, protecting the artifacts from UV light damage. Soraa worked with their UK partners, 4D Lighting, to supply the lamps to the Pitt Rivers Museum.

While increased efficiency was a desired outcome, more importantly the artifacts and exhibits needed to be flawlessly illuminated and rendered. The lighting designers for the museum chose Soraa's lamps with Violet-Emission 3-Phosphor (VP) technology to showcase the space's industrial design and to illuminate the colours and whiteness of the relics on display.

"The Soraa LED lamp produces colour rendition that is comparable to a halogen light source," said Robert Gregg, University of Oxford. "Utilising the Soraa SNAP system, we now have the flexibility to adjust the beam angles for our many displays."

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