Mission and Sat-Lite Demo GaN-based news Uplink

Lightweight Ku-Band BUC is integrated into compact vehicular mount antenna for news gathering vehicles
Mission Microwave Technologies, a manufacturer of solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs) and block up converters (BUCs) has teamed up with Sat-Lite Technologies, a provider of antennas to introduce a lightweight GaN-based Ku-Band BUC integrated into a compact vehicular mount antenna package.
The Sat-Lite model 1411 antenna system with the Mission Microwave 400W system will be on display outdoors during the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) Show 2018, April 7th to 12th, Las Vegas, USA.
The combined antenna and BUC package is designed for optimal Size, Weight and Power (SwaP). The Sat-Lite 'PELORIS' vehicle mount uplink uses a carbon fibre antenna system and a custom-designed elevation-over-azimuth cable drive pedestal to provide superior stiffness over existing products on the market. Coupled with the lightweight BUCs from Mission Microwave the system is said to optimise quick set up performance and reliability.
The Mission Microwave 'MOAB' BUCs each provide 200W of linear Ku-band power while drawing 1300W of prime power. Each BUC is 35 lbs allowing the 1:1 redundant system to be mounted directly on the feed boom without creating excessive stress on the antenna positioning system. The GaN based BUCs are part of Mission Microwave's line of Ku, Ka and X-Band solid state power amplifier products.
Steve Richeson, VP of sales and marketing at Mission Microwave commented: "Sat-Lite has identified Mission Microwave as a partner that can bring exceptional benefits to their broadcast customers "“ we're very happy to support them at NAB Show 2018."
Chris Callow, director of sales at Sat-Lite added: "Our customers need more uplink power in smaller and more efficient packages. Mission Microwave's products offer an ideal combination of performance and efficient SWaP for our most challenging customer requirements in broadcast, government and commercial markets."