GaN chips for X-band Radars

Sumitomo announces high-power devices to enable RF SSPAs to meet SWAP-C challenges
Sumitomo Electric, a provider of RF, wireless and optical communications solutions, has introduced a line of high-power GaN products for X-Band radar applications for Ground based and shipborne radars.
Sumitomo says its devices enable RF solid-state power amplifiers (SSPAs) to meet the SWAP-C challenges of these new radars while also improving reliability versus tube amplifiers.
There are five new X-band devices which all have an efficency of around 38 percent. They are the SGC8595-300B-R (8.5-9.5Gz, 235 to 270W), SGC0910-300B-R(9.0-10.0GHz, 235 to 270W), SGC1011-300B-R (9.8 - 10.5GHz, 220 to 250W), SGM6906VU (9.2-9.5GHz, 43.7W)), and SGM6901VU (8.5-10.1GHz, 21.4 to 24W).