News Article

Porotech partners with PSMC for MicroLEDs


Focus is on manufacturing 200mm GaN-on-Silicon MicroLEDs for mass production.

Poro Technologies, a UK-based MicroLED company, and Taiwan’s Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (PSMC), have announced a strategic partnership in MicroLEDs for consumer display applications.

The focus is on manufacturing 200mm GaN-on-Silicon MicroLEDs for mass production.

The companies will be combining PSMC’s wafer manufacturing expertise with Porotech’s technologies in PoroGaN MicroLED-on-Silicon (uLEDoS), Dynamic Pixel Tuning (DPT), GaN-on-Silicon platform.

Tongtong Zhu, CEO and Founder of Porotech, commented: “Our collaboration with PSMC signifies a momentous step forward for mass-producing the MicroLED-on-Silicon technology for display applications. This strategic partnership speaks volumes about our shared dedication to innovation and excellence. GaN on Silicon’s role in uLEDoS tech advancement is undeniable.”

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