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Quantum Science signs QD technology deal

Company signs joint development agreement with European maker of SWIR imaging products

Quantum Science has signed a joint development agreement with a leading European sensor company to integrate its quantum dot (QD) ink products into short wave infrared imaging systems.

The first stage of the agreement will last a year, during which the companies will work together to demonstrate the integration of the QD inks into a machine vision system.

Quantum Science says this is validation of its QD ink approach which simplifies the deposition of quantum dot photodiode stacks and removes the need for additional chemistry expertise required by the incumbent layer-by-layer approach of competitors.

The development will enable the low cost and high throughput integration of this disruptive imaging technology by an established player in the machine vision market.

“It is a great pleasure work with such an important market leader as they continue to showcase technology leadership with Quantum Science. Our INFIQ quantum dot ink platform will contribute to their technology leadership in SWIR markets” said William McLaughlin, COO, Quantum Science.

Revenue generated by the SWIR imager market reached about $97 million in 2022 and is expected to reach $650M in 2028, for a 37.3 percent compound annual growth rate in the 2022–2028 period according to Yole report SWIR Imaging 2023.

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