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AQT Solar shows off CZTS solar module prototype

AQT Solar shows off CZTS solar module prototype

CIGS innovator, AQT Solar, in conjunction with partners, has developed a prototype CZTS solar module capable of 60 W power output.

A prototype of AQT Solar's CZTS solar module

AQT believes this is a significant power-density milestone for the company and the solar industry.

CZTS has received increasing interest since the late 2000s. The material offers favourable optical and electronic properties similar to CIGS, over conventional crystalline silicon solar cells.

But unlike CIGS and CdTe based materials, CZTS is composed of only abundant and non-toxic elements.

AQT has had its CZTS modules "under-sun" testing since early this year.

The firm says that its research to-date demonstrates that in addition to very low manufacturing costs, its latest CZTS solar cells have the potential to deliver a wide range of benefits to solar module manufacturers.

For one, energy harvesting compared to crystalline silicon is superior. AQT says CZTS technology also yields minimal mechanical losses during module assembly due to superior durability of glass substrates.

What's more, the process is also flexible and scalable modules, available in standard power sizes, can be manufactured using conventional materials and equipment, lowering manufacturing costs.
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