News Article

Xilinx & Sumitomo unite to smarten networks and reduce costs

Using Xilinx radio SmartCORE IP and Sumitomo Electric's gallium nitride (GaN) power amplifier transistors helps customers achieve greater than 50 percent power efficiency
Xilinx and Sumitomo Electric are collaborating to bring smarter solutions to market.

The firms say these solutions reduce CapEx and OpEx costs through the use of Sumitomo Electric's GaN power amplifier transistors and Xilinx SmartCORE IP that result in higher radio unit efficiencies.

Wireless system designers using Xilinx's SmartCORE IP can scale to support small cells to high-end macro cells, as well as active antenna systems (AAS).

This offers customers time-to-market advantages, lower development costs, high efficiency, lower SWaP (size, weight and power), and lower total cost.

Xilinx radio SmartCORE IP such as Digital Up and Down Converters (DUC/DDC), Crest Factor Reduction (CFR) and Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) IP cores, coupled with generation-ahead 28nm Zynq-7000.

All Programmable SoCs, offers customers a single-chip implementation of the entire digital radio in addition to board level control and calibration typically found in an external processor.

"By collaborating with Sumitomo Electric, we are able to provide our customers with a smarter solution that is scalable to support the needs of broadband microcells, and up to the highest performance multi-antenna broadband macros and AAS installations," says David Hawke, director of wireless product marketing at Xilinx.

"Additionally, our radio IP, coupled with Sumitomo Electric's power amplifier transistors, allow OEMs to design equipment that ultimately save operator CapEx and OpEx, as well as reduce device cost and power."

The high breakdown voltage and saturation velocity characteristics of GaN devices make it an ideal candidate for high-power and high-temperature base station applications. The higher power density of GaN also allows for smaller devices, reducing size and cost.

"Sumitomo Electric's GaN-based power devices combined with Xilinx's SmartCORE IP will demonstrate the world's next generation of highly efficient solutions for the wireless market," adds Nobu Kuwata, general manager of Technology and Marketing Strategy Department at Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations, Inc. "Sumitomo Electric is committed to developing the products necessary to meet the requirements of our customers offering smarter solutions."

Sumitomo Electric will exhibit its latest products at booth #2120 at the International Microwave Symposium 2013 (IMS) in Seattle on June 4-6, 2013 to see a live demonstration of the Sumitomo Electric GaN and Xilinx DPD IP core.

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