WE UNDERSTAND E-BEAM. Variable Shaped Beam systems with high throughput and excellent performance

WE UNDERSTAND E-BEAM. Variable Shaped Beam systems with high throughput and excellent performance

Who we are and what we do

As a long-standing equipment supplier, Vistec Electron Beam, Jena (Germany) is providing leading technology solutions for advanced electron-beam lithography. Based on the Variable Shaped Beam (VSB) principle, the electron-beam lithography systems are mainly utilized for industrial and advanced research applications, such as electron-beam direct write in semiconductor manufacturing, including compound semiconductor, direct write mask making as well as photonics and several new emerging markets. 

Efficient data processing & extended exposure strategies open up new applications, especially in the field of AR/VR - applications. 

Vistec’s technology features automated handling, as well as high flexibility, writing accuracy and productivity enabling prototyping and low volume manufacturing. 

In addition to its headquarter in Germany, Vistec maintains service & support centers in Asia Pacific, USA and Europe.

Products and Services

Vistec Electron Beam GmbH develops, manufactures, sales and services 50kV Variable Shaped Beam lithography systems, which serve customers in both, semiconductor industry as well as advanced research, optics and several emerging markets. 

The portfolio covers a wide range of universal platforms for 200mm and 300mm travel range.


Our Variable Shaped Beam lithograpy systems are mainly utilized in the three main markets Advanced Research, Masks and Glass substrates, and in the semiconductor industry.

News and Events

CS Mantech

Annual international conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

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Vistec Electron Beam GmbH

Ilmstrasse 4 
07743 Jena 

phone +49 3641 7998 0 
telefax +49 3641 7998 222

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