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Please note that if you are interested in submitting editorial, then it should have the following framework:

Headline: Five or six words that capture the key accomplishment

Opening line(s): A statement of the big achievement, and who did it. This should be no more than a couple of sentences

First section: The impact that this work would have. For example, if you have made the world's first green laser chip, then this promises to have big implications for RGB displays.

Second section: Put your work in context. If you have broken a record, how did you do it? What was the breakthrough?

Third section: Details about your research. How did you make the device? What were the results of measurements on the structure?

Fourth section: How you can improve on this result, and what do you plan to do next?

Last: Give a reference for the paper, or say where it will be published.

We want the piece to be short, so we are looking for pieces to be around 400 words, and the upper limit is 600." . It can include 1 or 2 diagrams.

To give you a flavour of what we're looking for, you may wish to click here.

Please note that we may edit the article for style. If we do that, you will be able to view the edition version prior to publication.

Once you have written your story, please send it to: Richard.Stevenson@angelbc.com

If would like more information about our editorial guidelines please contact us via Richard.Stevenson@angelbc.com

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Editor Profiles

Richard Stevenson

Richard Stevenson is the Editor for Compound Semiconductor Magazine. He has many years experience in science and technology journalism, and prior to that he worked in MOCVD process engineering. He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, and a MPhys from the University of Southampton.

Christine Evans-Pughe

Christine Evans-Pughe is the News Editor for Compound Semiconductor and Power Electronics World. An experienced journalist specialising in science and technology, Christine has a degree in physics (with solid state electronics) from University College Cardiff.

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