Corporate Partners » Lake Shore Cryotronics

Craig Beaumier


+1 614-212-1491


Lake Shore Cryotronics

Supporting advanced research since 1968, Lake Shore Cryotronics is a leading innovator in measurement and control solutions for compound semiconductor researchers.

Products include:

  • Synchronous source measure systems that provide DC, 100 kHz AC, and mixed DC + AC sourcing and measuring for characterizing electrical properties of semiconductor devices.
  • Hall measurement systems and instruments for precision variable field measurements, suitable for multi-carrier analysis of low-mobility semiconductor materials.
  • Cryogenic probe stations for on-wafer DC or high-frequency probing of samples as a function of variable temperature and field.
  • VSMs for characterizing magnetic properties of materials.
  • Cryostats, cryocoolers, helium-saving recirculating gas cooler systems, and cryogenic sensors and instruments for labs performing low-temperature R&D and testing of semiconductors.

Lake Shore serves an international base of research customers at leading university, government, aerospace, and commercial research institutions and is supported by a global network of sales and service facilities.
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