News Article

Infinera announces 1.6 Tb/s optics


Monolithic InP PICs reduce power per bit by up to 75 percent for AI-driven intra-data centre connectivity applications

Infinera has announced a new line of high-speed intra-data centre optics based on monolithic InP photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology.

Known as ICE-D optics, the devices are designed to lower cost and power per bit as much as 75 percent while providing connectivity at speeds of 1.6 terabits per second (Tb/s) and greater.

“Intra-data centre bandwidth is growing at an unprecedented rate as AI applications transform connectivity demands between processing devices,” said Scott Wilkinson, lead analyst, Networking Components at Cignal AI. “This global trend will require innovative high-speed, low-latency, and power-efficient solutions to enable data centre operators to economically meet the challenge of scaling intra-data centre connectivity – today and well into the future.”

Infinera will show its ICE-D intra-data centre optics and comprehensive portfolio of open optical networking solutions in Booth 2825 in the Exhibit Hall at OFC 2024, to be held March 26-28 in San Diego, California.

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