Zhejiang Uni team wins GaN Systems Cup

Winning team designed an AC/DC power supply for data centre server power applications with 3.76W/cm3 power density and 93.8 percent efficiency
GaN Systems alongside the China Power Supply Society (CPSS), China Power Society Science Popularisdation Committee, and Tsinghua University, has announced the winners of the fifth annual 'GaN Systems Cup' design competition at an awards ceremony at the China Power Supply Society Conference (CPSSC) on Nov. 3, 2019.
The annual contest challenges top engineering teams from China’s leading universities to design new or improved power electronics systems using GaN power transistors from design to build that meets specified requirements.
This year’s challenge was to develop a high-efficiency, high power density AC/DC power supply for data centre server power applications with GaN Systems’ 650 V power transistors. The design had to meet several requirements: 400 W rated output power, 220 VAC input voltage range/48 DC output voltage, and achieve 94 percent efficiency at 50 percent load and greater than 3W/cm3 power density.
Forty teams participated in the first round of the competition, 30 teams moved on to the second round, and 12 participated in the final competition. Five engineering teams were awarded for their GaN-based inverter designs. Cash awards of 20,000-yuan, 10,000 yuan, and 5,000 yuan were given to the top, first, and second winning teams:
The top winning team from Zhejiang University designed a solution that had a 3.76W/cm3 power density with 93.8 percent efficiency. Designs were judged on meeting the design criteria, functionality during the test day, ingenuity, and quality of presentation.
“Congratulations to the winning teams and to all those that participated in the challenge,” said Paul Wiener, VP, strategic marketing for GaN Systems. “The ‘GaN Systems Cup’ continues to provide engineering students practical experience leveraging the benefits of GaN to address today’s high efficiency, high power needs.”