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EPC Updates GaN Video Podcast Series


Videos accompany handbook on theory, design basics and applications of GaN FETs and ICs

EPC has posted an update to its 'How to GaN' video podcast series on its YouTube Video Channel, These updated videos are based on the recently published third edition textbook, GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion.

The 14-part educational video podcast series is designed to provide power system design engineers a technical foundation and application-focused toolset on how to design more efficient power conversion systems using GaN-based transistors and integrated circuits.

The seven videos included in the first half of the series provide an overview of the theoretical foundation and design basics for using GaN transistors and ICs.

The second part of this series, to be released shortly, will provide practical examples on the use of GaN transistors in widely used power electronics applications such as DC-DC conversion for telecom and datacom systems. In addition, it provides examples of how these superior devices enable emerging applications, such as, lidar/time of flight for autonomous vehicles and robotics, wireless power transfer that eliminates the need for power cords, and RF envelope tracking for telecommunications systems.

“This series of short videos will help designers understand the exceptional benefits of GaN technology and the intricacies of incorporating GaN transistors and integrated circuits into power conversion systems. Most importantly, the videos will accelerate design engineers’ learning curve and increase their ability to take maximum advantage of the high switching frequency and high performance of GaN power semiconductors,” noted Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder of EPC.

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