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Picosun ALD offers record-breaking film quality


Sprinter ALD system optimised for semiconductor, display and IoT component manufacturing lines

Picosun has announced that it has further optimised its Sprinter ALD system processes successfully for semiconductor, display and IoT component manufacturing lines.

For Al2O3 process, Picosun says its results showed excellent thickness uniformity even at low 90degC deposition temperature. At 300 degC, the results were at record-breaking level (<0.2 percent 1sigma) when measured within wafer.

Furthermore, the team has continued to improve also other parts of the process performance. The production capacity has more than doubled in the last two months when the process cycle time has been reduced to 8 seconds, without any uniformity degradations.

Other examples include the SiO2 process results, which showed uniform films for backend-of-the-line compatible thermal SiO2 ALD process at 300-390degC.

“Picosun Group launched Sprinter, the fast batch ALD tool for 300 mm wafers, in December 2020. We wanted to bring single wafer film quality and uniformity for fast batch processing and meet the challenges in high volume ALD manufacturing. Our solution has gained strong interest in the market and we are already delivering a number of Sprinter ALD systems to customers”, says Juhana Kostamo, VP, industrial business area of Picosun Group.

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