EPIR orders Riber MBE machine

US maker of infrared semiconductors orders MBE 32 MCT system to make high quality HgCdTe material
EPIR Inc, a company based in Bolingbrook, Illinois, USA, has just acquired a new MBE 32P MCT research machine to expand its manufacturing base and continue to provide its customers with state-of-the-art material.
EPIR Inc. a subsidiary of Sivananthan Laboratories, develops HgCdTe semiconductors for infrared detection and imaging devices. EPIR uses customised material growth technology, enabled by the MBE equipment from Riber and including multiple epitaxial layers grown on either lattice-matched CdZnTe for high performance applications or silicon substrates for a lower-cost approach.
Silviu Velicu, EPIR’s president, said: “Riber was the main equipment provider for our MBE needs during the last two decades and this new acquisition is a testimony to the quality and reliability of the products it provides. The new MBE 32 MCT system to be installed at EPIR will help us address increased commercial and government needs for high quality HgCdTe material.”
Paul Boieriu, EPIR’s COO, expects that HgCdTe with high purity, low defect densities, and high uniformity over large areas will exhibit state of the art performance shortly after the installation of the MBE 32P MCT system in early 2023.
Philippe Ley, Chairman of Riber’s Board, said: “Our MBE 32 product range has been in existence for 40 years with an installed base of several hundred systems worldwide. Among the wide range of materials that can be processed, the epitaxial growth of mercury-containing compounds is one of the most demanding thin film depositions characterised in MBE. For four decades Riber's MBE 32P has excelled in the arena of MCT growth where unrivalled reference quality material has been produced leading to manufacture ever more impressive devices. There is no more powerful endorsement than repeat system business which we see here again as our company is graced with another 32P MCT order from EPIR.”