Nitride Semi announces micro-LED kit

Micro RGB + UV LED chips trial kit now available for developers
Nitride Semiconductors has announced the development of three types of visible micro-LEDs with a peak wavelength of 620nm for red, 510nm for green, and 450nm for blue.
In 2018 the company succeeded in developing high-efficiency light emission of micro UV-LEDs with a size of 12 μm x 24 μm and peak wavelength of 385nm (patented), which it has already supplied samples to many users. Now the company has added visible LEDs. This time, especially for red LEDs, which are considered difficult to realise, Nitride has used InGaN instead of conventional materials such GaAs or GaP.
In order for users to compare the characteristics of each colour, the company has created a micro RGB + UV LED chips trial kit, comprising a complete set of micro LEDs with four wavelengths: red, blue, green, and (UV).
The kit is designed so developers of Micro LED displays can try chips with various wavelengths and sizes and select the optimum chip for mass production of Micro LED displays.