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Onsemi and Penn State to work together on SiC


University to establish SiC crystal growth research program

Onsemi has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to boost SiC research in the US with Penn State University.

The aim is to build an $8 million strategic collaboration which includes the establishment of the Onsemi SiC Crystal centre (SiC3) at Penn State’s Materials Research Institute (MRI). Onsemi will fund SiC3 with $800k per year over the next 10 years.

“Penn State is uniquely positioned to rapidly establish a SiC crystal growth research program,” said Pavel Freundlich, chief technology officer, Power Solutions Group, Onsemi. “The university offers a wide breadth of capability based on its current materials research, wafer processing capabilities in its nanofab facility, and a comprehensive, world-class suite of metrology instrumentation.”

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