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Former Ericsson CEO becomes senior advisor to SweGaN


Sven-Christer Nilsson appointment linked to growing demand for GaN-on-SiC epiwafers in 5G telecoms, satcoms and EVs

SweGaN AB, a European maker of GaN-on-SiC epiwafer, has welcomed Sven-Christer Nilsson, former CEO of telecoms giant Ericsson, to join the company as a senior advisor.

Nilsson is known for his strategic leadership abilities in high-tech industries. Nilsson is currently on several boards, including signal processing firm CEVA, Inc., a semiconductor industry leader in signal processing, sensor fusion and AI processing. He has previously held long-term positions such as chairman of the board of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and other high-profile organisations.

Jr-Tai Chen, CEO, and co-founder of SweGaN, remarked: “Our team and executive board are excited to work with Sven-Christer. The timing could not have been better. With significant interest in our GaN-on-SiC epitaxial solutions for RF and power components, SweGaN is on a strong trajectory to become a major player in the global GaN markets. Tapping Sven-Christer’s extensive leadership and vast network, we believe he will add significant value and insights to our growth strategy.”

Following an investment round in Q3 2022, SweGaN announced in early 2023 the construction of a new production facility in Linköping Sweden. The company’s strategy is closely aligned with the accelerated global demands for GaN-on-SiC epiwafers used in 5G telecommunications infrastructure, satellite communications and high voltage power for devices such as EVs..

-”As the European Union signals the need for developing a robust European semiconductor supply chain, SweGaN is poised to play a critical role in this eco-system,” said Sven-Christer Nilsson, senior advisor of SweGaN. He continued, “SweGaN has a strong vision aimed at building a competitive and sustainable semiconductor company with their benchmark technology and continuous innovation. I look forward to contributing to and being part of the SweGaN journey for this exciting yet geopolitically dynamic semiconductor era.”

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