News Article

Trumpf's Peter Leibinger receives Schawlow Award


Laser Institute of America award recognises outstanding achievements in laser technology and its applications

The Laser Institute of America (LIA) has awarded Trumpf's supervisory board chairman Peter Leibinger the Arthur L. Schawlow Award, .

The award, named after the Nobel Prize winning physicist and laser pioneer Arthur Schawlow, has been presented since 1982 to recognise outstanding achievements that lead to a fundamental understanding of laser technology and its application in industry, medicine or daily life.

Gilbert Haas, interim executive director of the LIA, said: "Peter Leibinger has advanced laser technology for decades. His innovative leadership, ardent support, and advocacy of lasers in science, politics and society contribute to the advancement of laser technology and applications worldwide."

Past recipients of the Schawlow Award include Nobel laureates Theodor Hänsch and Gérard Mourou.

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