News Article

Integra launches L-band GaN-on-SiC amp

New module is designed to solve size, weight, power and cost challenges in avionic systems

Integra Technologies, a US RF and microwave specialist, has released a new RF power amplifier module/pallet designed to solve various size, weight, power, and cost challenges (SWaP-C) in high-performance L-band avionic systems.

IGNP1011L2400 is a high power GaN-on-SiC RF power amplifier module/pallet that has been designed specifically for Identification Friend or Foe/Secondary Surveillance Radar (IFF/SSR) systems operating under either Mode S ELM (48x {32μs on, 18μs off}, 6.4 percent Long Term Duty Cycle) or standard Mode S (128μs, 2 percent Duty Cycle) pulse conditions.

It supplies a minimum of 2200W of peak output power, with typically >16 dB of gain and 57 percent efficiency and operates from a 50V supply voltage.

This RF power amplifier module/pallet is matched to 50-ohms at both input and output and is suitable for both 1030 and 1090 MHz.

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