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Webinar looks at On-Site Hydrogen Production

Proton OnSite explains advantages of on-site hydrogen gas generation systems including a 20 minute Live Q&A session.

Proton OnSite, a US company that makes on-site hydrogen gas generation systems, will be presenting a webinar in Asia on the 17th October presented by Luc Zhu, chief representative in China. The webinar will cover the advantages of on-site hydrogen generation in the wafer, chip and semiconductor manufacturing process, and includes a 20 minute Live Q&A session.

On-site hydrogen gas generation can reduce cost of supply and can improve the reliability and consistency of hydrogen quality thereby improving process control and quality of annealing, chemical vapour deposition, epitaxy, deposition, stabilising and lithography processes. It also reduces the hazards associated with hydrogen gas deliveries and high pressure and/or high-volume storage.

It could also minimise or eliminate the need for bulk hydrogen storage which may help free up deliveries and storage of other process critical gases and chemicals thereby improving overall facility process.

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