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Ams Osram at Light + Building 2024


Company to launch next generation of OSLON Pure at major show

Ams Osram will show its latest LED and sensor technologies at Light + Building (Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 3 to 8, 2024), including horticulture LEDs and the latest generation of the OSLON Pure family.

The popular OSLON Pure range is designed with a large colour spectrum and high lumen density for use in retail lighting spots. Ams Osram's next generation of OSLON Pure 1010 will feature improved performance for special fields such as architectural and stage lighting, where a high luminous flux density is key.

Also at the show, will be demonstrations 2D and 3D sensing applications including those from imaging technology and machine vision solutions firm Teknique. This partner company uses a range of Ams Osram products including its BELAGO laser dot projector which projects a grid of small infrared dots onto a user's face; the OSLON Black Infrared (IR) flood illuminator which emits infrared (IR) light onto the face; and image sensor options from the MIRA family which capture an 3D infrared image of the user's face. This is then computed into a generic 3D map which can be further processed in higher level biometry algorithms.

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