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SiCSem collaboration to establish Indian SiC plant

Agreement with Indian Institute of Technology-Bhubaneswar (IIT-BBS) aims to help India become self-sufficient in SiC power chips

Chennai-based start-up SiCSem has announced plans to establish a SiC process fabrication and assembly, testing and packaging plant in Odisha, according to a news story in The New India Express.

The aim is to help India to become self-sufficient in power semiconductor devices for electric vehicles (EVs), fast chargers, green energy, photovoltaic inverters, motor controls, and beyond 5G communication.

The plans are part of a research collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology-Bhubaneswar (IIT-BBS) around compound semiconductors.

The first project to be carried out as part of the agreement is to establish SiC crystal growth at IIT Bhubaneswar.

Director of IIT-Bhubaneswar Shreepad Karmalkar, an expert in semiconductor devices, said the collaboration will promote innovation and self-reliance in SiC crystal growth, and represents a major industry-academia partnership.

The partnership will contribute significantly to the development of the semiconductor ecosystem in Odisha and the nation’s semiconductor industry in line with India’s Semiconductor Mission, Make-in-India and Atmanirbhar Bharat initiatives, he added.

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