Discovery offers high optical power 2200nm photodiodes
Extended InGaAs devices can handle 50mA and higher currents up to 5GHz
Above: Typical 1dB compression photocurrent of DSC2-100S extended InGaAs photodiode
Discovery Semiconductors, a US developer of ultrafast, high optical power handling InGaAs photodetectors and optical receivers, has introduced 50mA and higher current handling, extended InGaAs photodiodes for applications at 1200 to 2200nm wavelengths.
As high power fibre laser and frequency comb technology at 1550nm, as well as 2050nm, becomes readily available, these kinds of photodiodes will be needed to achieve their full potential, according to the company.
The DSC2-100S extended InGaAs photodiodes operates up to 5GHz.
Abhay Joshi, president and CEO, commented: "Since 2012, we have been commercially selling 2 micron photodiodes up to 20 GHz, FWHM of 20 picoseconds and current handling of about 10mA for both coherent and direct detection. These devices have been widely used by the scientific community and it was our customer's suggestion to make a low frequency photodiode with even higher current handling."
The new photodiode is available as a K or SMA coax fibre optic module, surface mount fibre optic module and convenient, bench top O/E instrument Lab Buddy. Discovery is offering these modules with multimode fibre options up to a core size of 100micron.
Applications include both coherent and direct detection for environmental sensing, biosensing, free space optical communications, wind LIDAR, frequency comb and fibre laser development.