Riber announce order from Almae
Almae Technlogies, France, has ordered a production system to increase its manufacturing capacity for advanced photonic component. Those photonic components enable the fast increase of the traffic in the optical fiber networks sets for deploying the fibre to home, for consumer access to very high speed internet, as well as for the 4G mobile network.
Jean Louis Gentner, CEO of Almae Technlogies, a spin-off of III-V Lab, a joint laboratory between Nokia, Thales, and the CEA (Atomic Energy Agency), reports " Almae has the ambition to become a world leader in advanced photonic solutions for the high speed fiber optical networks which are at the heart of tomorrow's economy and society. Almae Technologies has developed an innovative process using gas source MBE allowing our product performance to benefit of a differentiated competitive advantage and increasing our productivity in a very challenging market. This acquisition is a very important step in the development of the industrial platform for our young company."
This order will be delivered in 2017.