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National Photonics Initiative Commends US Congress

NPI applauds bill to invest in innovation and improve US competitiveness through R&D

The National Photonics Initiative (NPI), an alliance of top scientific societies uniting industry and academia to raise awareness of photonics, has applauded the US House of Representative for passing by unanimous consent S. 3084, the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act - a bill to invest in innovation and improve US competitiveness through research and development.

The bill includes a provision that calls on federal science agencies, industry, and academia to seek partnerships to advance optics and photonics technologies and capabilities. Earlier in the month, the US Senate passed the bill by unanimous consent; it now awaits President Obama's signature.

In response to the bill's passage, Alan Willner, chairman of the NPI Steering Committee said: "Our community is thrilled to see optics and photonics recognised in the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act as essential to our nation's leadership in global markets, economic growth and job creation. New opportunities arising from photonics offer the potential for even greater societal impact in the next few decades.

"This bill charges US industry, academia and the federal government to work in partnership to invest in critical optics and photonics research and technologies that will enhance innovation in private and public sector laboratories, promote the nation's continued competitiveness in sectors across the global economy and sustain a well-trained workforce into future generations." 

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