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Peregrine launches production parts for 60 GHz RF SOI switches


High frequency switches are achieving high adoption rate in multiple markets including 5G, test and measurement and defence

Peregrine Semiconductor, founder of RF SOI (silicon on insulator) and pioneer of advanced RF solutions, has announced immediate availability of volume production parts for their UltraCMOS 60 GHz RF SOI switches. The PE42525 and PE426525 extend Peregrine's high frequency portfolio into frequencies previously dominated by gallium-arsenide (GaAs) technology.

Both 60 GHz switches deliver exceptional performance in all key RF parameters and have a fast switching speed of only 8 nanoseconds, the company says.

The PE42525 is designed for test-and-measurement (T&M) equipment, microwave-backhaul solutions and higher frequency switching in 5G systems. The PE426525 boasts an extended temperature range making it desirable for harsh-environment applications in industrial markets.

"When we announced availability of 60 GHz switch samples and evaluation kits in early October at European Microwave Week, the response was tremendous," says Kinana Hussain, director of marketing at Peregrine Semiconductor. "These high frequency switches are garnering a high adoption rate in multiple markets including 5G, test and measurement (T&M) and defence. Not only do these switches break paradigms in high frequency, they also break paradigms in SOI fast switching."

The PE42525 and PE426525 join Peregrine's high frequency product portfolio, which includes multiple switches, an image-reject mixer and monolithic phase and amplitude controllers (MPACs). Peregrine's proprietary UltraCMOS technology platform enables these products to reach high frequencies without compromising performance or reliability.

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