News Article

IXYS Announces Ka-band GaAs/AlGaAs power amplifier

High power  27 to 33 GHz pHEMT MMIC targets wireless 4G/5G infrastructure

MicroWave Technology (MwT), a division of IXYS has announced the release of its advanced GaAs/AlGaAs pHEMT-based Ka-band MMIC  high power amplifier product. The product is used by a major wireless communication equipment manufacturer for high data rate links for 4G/5G wireless infrastructure applications.  

The Ka-band MMIC power amplifier, MMA-273336-M5, is a standard MMIC product available in volume production. The power amplifier operates between 27 and 33 GHz, providing 35 dBm (over 3W) of output power at a 1dB gain compression point and exceptional 36 dBm (4W) of output power at a 3 dB gain compression point.  

The typical small signal gain is 22 dB across the band. The IM3 level is -40 dBc at 20 dBm output power per tune. The DC bias conditions for this MMIC power amplifier are 6 V and 2.8 A on the drain and -0.9 V on the gate.

"I am pleased that our advanced Ka-band MMIC high power amplifier has been used in production quantities for high data rate links for 4G/5G infrastructure applications," commented Greg Zhou, general manager of MwT. "The state-of-the-art power and efficiency performance of the MMIC high power amplifier clearly demonstrates our superior technical and product capabilities for MMIC products up to the mm-wave frequency range."

Applications of the MMIC high power amplifier include 4G/5G wireless infrastructure, very small aperture terminal (VSAT) transmitters, and point-to-point (PtP) microwave links for high data rate communications, as well as military and space applications. 

"The exceptional power level from the MMA-273336-M5 exceeds the output power specification demanded by today's emerging Ka-band (30 GHz) high data rate applications," said zhou.

The MMA-273336-M5 is fully matched for both input and output terminals for easy cascade and is packaged in the low cost M5 (5mm x 5mm) surface mount package. The mean time before failure (MTBF) is over 100 years at 85 degC ambient temperature. 

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