EPC Introduces 60W Class-E Amplifier Development Board

Differential mode board uses latest generation 200V eGaN FETs and operates up to 15MHz
Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) has introduced a 60 W Class-E amplifier development board with the company's latest generation 200V eGaN FETs.
The EPC9083 development board has been designed to enable power system designers to evaluate the high efficiency achieved with a high performance 200 V GaN transistor in a class-E amplifier used in wireless power, LiDAR, current-mode class-D, and push-pull converters operating up to 15 MHz.
The GaN-based differential mode development board can operate up to 15 MHz, including 6.78 MHz which is popular for wireless power applications.
Although designed for class-E applications, such as wireless power, the board can be used for any application where a low-side switch is used. Examples include push-pull converters, current-mode class-D amplifiers, common source bi-directional switch, and high voltage narrow pulse width applications such as LiDAR.
The EPC9083 features the EPC2046, EPC's latest generation 200 V, 25 mΩ eGaN FET. The EPC2046 allows less switching loss than the previous generation of eGaN FETs, in a smaller size, while keeping the same drain-source on-resistance.
The amplifiers are set to operate in differential mode and can be re-configured to operate in single-ended mode and include the gate driver and logic supply regulator.